Slow Internet connection: how to increase your Internet speed?

Slow Internet connection

Are you having internet connection problems that result in very long loading times or slow downloads? A slow Internet connection can be caused by five different factors: the line (copper or fiber), the operator, the user’s computer, the Internet user’s environment and the site server. Find all the solutions to improve your connection for each scenario.

A slow internet connection can be explained by several factors.

The user can try to improve his connection by optimizing his installation (no multiple sockets, etc.), by checking the operation of his computer, or by connecting by wire (if he is connected by wifi).

If the connection does not improve, the user can contact the technical service of his operator, who will carry out the necessary diagnostics.

If you use an ADSL connection, a solution may be to switch to optical fiber. To check if fiber is available in your home, contact 09 75 18 80 51 .

Slow connection: an overloaded or hacked server?

A slow internet connection can be explained by the servers of the site or service not responding correctly. A slowdown in the downloading or loading of a page can be an indication of a computer attack targeting the servers or an increase in connections following an event (live video broadcast, availability of a new version of software , etc).

Check the social networks of the website in question : usually, large websites have accounts on social networks informing about the state of the site;

Consult the service status tables : some online services use these tables to inform their clients of the situation of their servers;

Use another service or another site : If your connection is working correctly, it’s a server-related problem.

If your internet connection is slow due to a server problem, the only thing you can do is wait for the situation to recover. Follow the progress of the situation on social networks or contact the service in question directly.

Slow Internet connection because of your line?

Phone line quality defines the potential throughput of the line. Therefore, the damage of a line can be responsible for a weakening of the connection. A poor internet connection, or even no internet connection, can also be explained by theoretical line attenuation . Measured in decibels (dB), this is the attenuation of the signal passing through a line. The attenuation of a line (or theoretical loss) is defined by two parameters: the distance between the distributor and the connected housing, and the diameter of the section of the copper pair making up the line.

For more information on the attenuation of the line as well as the calculation of attenuation of a line , you can consult our file devoted to the theoretical attenuation .

You can first perform a speed test to check if there has been a loss of speed in your internet connection. Events outside the line can also increase attenuation and therefore reduce internet speed:

Work near the telephone line can open telephone conduits and expose them to the open air. The work can also cause cuts, in particular due to shovels hitting the lines;

For overhead lines , bad hunters can nick telephone ducts. Trees can also be a hazard to overhead lines: branches close to the line can damage the sheath by falling or engulfing it.

In all these cases, even if the line is not cut, rainwater or morning dew can penetrate the sheath and come to touch the telephone lines. If you cannot intervene directly on the works, it is possible to inform Orange , via 3900 (free waiting from an Orange line, price of a local call) or on the Orange assistance site in the event of deterioration. of the line. For trees, pruning branches near the lines is strongly recommended by Orange.



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